Sidney is a true student of the game. He excels at breaking down strategies to get the best results. For years, he has been a fan of Triple Threat and now has jumped in with both feet!
Sidney wants his players to learn how to recognize both good habits and bad habits. And once those have been identified, he knows how to help kids break the bad habits while encouraging them to repeat the good ones. This repetition, he believes, is the father of learning.
Also, while he recognizes Michael Jordan as the greatest player of all time, as a kid he was a bigger fan of Penny Hardaway. Penny was an uncommon combination of both size and quickness for a point guard much like Magic Johnson.
Sidney encourages players to listen well and has a lot of fun while teaching the game, which, of course, is why he is a favorite among the players here.
- - Skyline High School
- - San Ramon